In 2008 Anna completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Music at the University of York, UK. The thesis ‘Modern performance of sacred medieval music with particular reference to women’s voices’ is available at British Library´s EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service).
Re-envisioning the Past: Medieval Music and the Modern Performer: at PUNKT festival in Kristiansand on the 3rd of September 2011
Re-envisioning the Past: Medieval Music and the Modern Performer at NoMeMus in Söderköping on the 9th of September 2011.
‘Modern performance of medieval music: female voices’: at the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society Conference n Bristol, UK, on the 26th of April 2008,
‘Voice, Sound and Subjectivity’ – conference at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland in June 2005.
2005: contributed to a Saul Seminar at the British Library with Red Byrd colleagues John Potter and Richard Wistreich. She also gave several research papers at the University of York.
In 2002, she was the Keynote speaker at the Festival of World Sacred Music, Irish World Music Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland, with a paper entitled: Early music singing: fact v. fiction.
Anna contributed to the Horizons Touched – The Music of ECM (2007), Granta.